Unlimited Potential.

Working with us

Working with us

Parkville College prides itself on attracting staff that are unique in their adaptive and responsive way of teaching. Our staff are continually developing and tailoring their teaching to each individual student. The College is a Registered Government School, teaching all levels of education from early primary years, through to secondary and beyond. We specialise in VCE, VCAL, and VET, and provide dedicated support for students in their transition to other pathways, whether that be educational or vocational. All students have individualised Student Plan to support them through their journey at Parkville College. 

Parkville College prides itself on delivering education in a different environment, with our central focus being to support the students towards developing themselves and changing their trajectory. Our teachers model High Impact Engagement Strategies (HIES) and utilise High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS), within a Trauma-Informed and Culturally Responsive pedagogy. Students are supported and encouraged to grow as individuals and be the best versions of themselves. 


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The five Practice Principles of the Parkville college Model represent how we approach and deliver education at Parkville College.

The practice principles are holistic and interconnected. They should not be seen as a ‘sequence’ of actions but rather as a set of principles and components that are interdependent and complimentary.


Staff Wellbeing

Staff wellbeing programs are embedded in the Parkville College model and ensure that our team are supported and prepared to best educate our students. We acknowledge that our work can be stressful and might cause teachers to experience stress reactions, burn out or compassion fatigue. For this reason we provide opportunities for staff to reflect on practice and explore the impact the work has on us.

At Parkville College each staff member meets fortnightly with colleagues in a wellbeing group that is facilitated by a wellbeing clinician. Staff are also offered individual sessions with our wellbeing team if required and self-care plans are developed to reduce the cumulative impact of stress.

A Crisis Intervention and Stress Management response team are trained to support staff following any critical incidents experienced at work. These interventions help to normalise good self-care and promote wellbeing across the college.

Part of the staff wellbeing program delivery is ICALD specific wellbeing support. Parkville College is committed to increasing the diversity of its workforce and acknowledges that this development must be accompanied by school wide cultural safety practices and targeted supports. For this reason, Parkville College follows a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and provides ICALD staff members access to specific individual and groups wellbeing programs led by an appropriately skilled and experienced counsellor.

two female colleagues chat over coffee