Unlimited Potential.

Practice Principals


Responsive Instructional Practice


In response to Parkville College students’ diverse array of abilities, backgrounds and interests, educators at the school need to develop and deliver a rigorous and flexible range of class resources and approaches that meet the students varying needs and interests and support the delivery of the Victorian curriculum. Responsive Instructional Practice at Parkville College focuses on a Consistent Learning and Teaching Approach, this includes:

  • Clear learning intentions and success criteria grounded in diagnostic data

  • Explicit instruction that can be linked to real-life

  • Descriptive feedback on how students are accomplishing learning intentions

  • Focus on building student stamina and perseverance

  • Appreciation of growth mindsets

All Parkville College educators engage in responsive instructional practice that is evidence-based. Educators:

  • employ the High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) alongside the High Impact Engagement Strategies HIES. The HIES make the HITS possible

  • draw on their content knowledge and knowledge of students and relationships with students to develop a culturally responsive curriculum

  • monitor the impact of their teaching on student outcomes in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

  • engage in regular practices of supervision, modelling and demonstration, observation, and feedback

  • ensure learning is student-driven and students’ opportunities for choice is maximised.

  • ensure Individual Education Plans (IEPs) centre students’ voices

  • engage students regularly in classes and cultural education programs that aim to support them to explore their identity through curriculum that always strives to be culturally responsive.

Catherine Hibbins